January 31, 2015
1. Inline Skating
Skating started this week in gym class for the primary students and they are having a blast! Students are learning how to put their skates on, stand up and safely move around the gym. The best part is when the disco lights and music come on!
2. Lunchtime Intramural Games
Thank you to Mr. Raphael and Mrs. Erickson for organizing games for the grade 4’s and 5’s during the lunch hour. Thank you also to the teachers who are volunteering to ref! The kids are having great fun working as a team and playing games.
3. Self Regulation
The staff has been working hard to learn new ideas around student self regulation. In September we decided that we wanted this to be a focus for us as a school. The staff have spent 6 hours over three days with presenter Marc Landry learning all about the things in our brain, our bodies and our environment that might trigger behaviours or decisions made by students or adults. It has been fabulous learning and as a staff we will continue to explore these ideas further. Next we will be exploring a book called “The Zones of Regulation.” If you are wanting to learn more about this check out http://zonesofregulation.com/
4. Trinity Western Nurses
The nurses were back again this week teaching grade 3’s about dental health. Lots of fun facts were shared during a game of BINGO.
5. Michael Bortolotto
Michael spent the day with our students in small group discussions talking about bullying and friendship. Michael shared experiences from his own childhood and explained how having friends get to know him for who he was on the inside and not for how he looked on the outside changed his life forever. He shared with the kids the value of being different and having friends appreciate your uniqueness. Michael also shared with the kids how a single positive thought is so powerful and can empower them to change the world. Learn more about Michael at: http://www.positiverebel.ca/
Here are some of the thoughts Mrs. Randa’s kids had after Michael’s talk:
Michael taught us to never give up. Natalie
I learned not to judge people by how they look. Jordan
I made a connection with him, because he likes to be funny and I like to be funny too! Tiana
If I could say something to him, I would say, “You’re a good person.” Madden
He’s very sporty, child friendly, cool, awesome, very brave and loving. Alysiah
His message was don’t judge people by their “covers”. Nevada
He is a great storyteller. Duvan
I think he is very brave. Caylin
The biggest thing that I learned from him was that friendship is the most important thing of all. Emily
He is such an inspiration to all who meet him. Kaelyn
I learned it’s not what is on the outside that matters. What matters is what is on the inside. Connor
6. Dinosaurs in Kindergarten
Some of the kids in Mrs. McArthur’s class came to the office this week with a dinosaur book and an ipad. The book had special images available if we could download an app. After a few minutes in the app store away we went with live dinosaurs in the K room! It was super exciting to see the pages of the book come to life! The kids had so much fun!! (Mrs. McArthur and I thought it was pretty amazing, too!)