January 18, 2015
1. The Fun Farm
The Langley Foundation is working with a Langley family who has dedicated several acres of their property as a refuge for neglected farm animals. They have also developed a beekeeping area, vegetable garden, greenhouse and orchard. The farm is open to groups of students to learn about animals, bees and horticulture. A group of our LMCS students took advantage of this new opportunity and had a great trip.
2. Starting the Day Off Right!
Mrs. Danford’s class started the day with pancakes this Friday! What a treat! If only every day could start with pancakes!
3. Solid or Liquid…or both?
Mrs. Tulloch’s Grade One’s were exploring science properties this week, trying to determine if a cornstarch mixture was a solid or a liquid. They had great fun touching the mixture and discovering that it could be both!