February 9, 2014
1. Young Entrepreneur Show
Each year the grade 6 students participate in this great event. The kids go through a process of deciding on a product, doing research to see if there is a market for their product, preparing their merchandise, advertizing, selling their goods, then finally counting their money and subtracting what they spent on materials to obtain their profit. It is such a powerful way for kids to begin learning about commerce. The students have been busy at work preparing for this years show which is coming up on Feb. 20th in the school gym. On this day other students have the opportunity to come and buy items from the grade 6 students. Please read the attached invite for more info. Langley Meadows Invite 2014
2. Inline Skating
This week the primary students were able to participate in inline skating in gym class. The instructors showed the kids how to put on the equipment safely, how to get up, how to position their feet so they actually move and how to stop. It was great fun watching the kids master these skills throughout the week. The best was when the disco strobe lights and music came on, many of us adults had flashbacks from our teenage years except our skates had four wheels!
3. Discussing the Yorkson Middle with the primary students
We have been doing a good job of sharing information about the new middle school with our older students and our parent community but we also want to make sure our younger students know what changes will happen in their school next year. Thank you to Mrs. Cunningham and Mr. Everson for taking the time to share information with Div. 13.
4. Ms. V to the rescue!
This week LEPS (Langley Environmental Partners Society) came to visit the Kindergarten classes to share information about frogs and toads but they didn’t bring any frogs or toads with them. Fortunately we have an in house expert, Ms. V! Many of you know that Ms. V loves frogs and toads and has fire belly toads in her classroom. So on Wednesday Ms. V and her class pets went on a traveling roadshow to all of the K classes and many other primary rooms as well. The kids were thrilled and so was Ms. V!
5. Cultural Presentations
The grade 2’s have been learning about their heritage and cultural backgrounds as well as practicing their oral language presentation skills. This week in Mrs. S-K’s class the students were able to share a little bit of their backgrounds with the class. The kids shared their cultural heritage and many of them shared words in a different language, the flags from another country, where their country was on a map and other interesting bits of information, some even brought treats to share with the class!
6. Best Friends
It was sunny and cold this week on the playground but we bundled up and went outside for some fresh air. While outside we discovered that their is always a solution to every problem when you have a friend by your side. If you forget your gloves inside your class you can always share with a friend!