Mustang Moments Feb. 27th

February 28, 2015

1. Extreme Air Park

Mrs. B-G’s class went to the Extreme Air Park on Monday as their class sold the most Entertainment Books in September. As you can tell from the pictures it is an amazing place with trampolines everywhere! The kids had a great time.

2. Red Sky Performers – Misstatim

The Red Sky Performers presented a beautiful play based on friendship. Two children from different cultures become friends and work together to tame a horse and also help each other solve some family life problems. The play reinforced for kids that even though people can come from different cultures or be different in various ways, they can still become friends and accomplish great things together :O)


3. Mapping

As part of Mrs. Cunningham’s social studies mapping unit the class went on a community walk making note of all the places in their neighbourhood. They then took that info back to class and created a giant map. Excellent job, division 10!

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4. Outside Science

Ms. Samodien’s class enjoyed the beautiful weather this week by going on a science hunt. The students were exploring nature and recording their discoveries in their journals.

5. Anti Bullying Day

The school was filled with PINK and classrooms were filled with good conversations around friendship, bullying, being a by stander and more. What a valuable day.

6. Spirit Day

For spirit day students were encouraged to dress up as their favorite superhero or character. It was a fun day and interesting to see which character or hero students picked!

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751