Mustang Moments Feb. 24

February 24, 2013

1. Young Entrepreneurs:

This was a great event for students to be inspired, learn about business and have fun. The students from Divisions 4 and 5 and the grade 6’s from Division 6 set up their products and then eagerly awaited shoppers! Students from various classrooms came to the gym to browse or purchase items. There were so many creative products to choose from!  Prices for the products ranged from 50 cents to $3.50, a great deal indeed! The day event was a fantastic learning activity for all involved. Thank you to Mr. Flack for organizing this for our school again this year and thank you to the classroom teachers for guiding all of the learning for the students over the past few months leading up to the grand event.

2. Spirit Day:

Today was twin day at Langley Meadows and it was like seeing double all day long! The staff and students had fun picking a friend or friends and dressing alike. They coordinated clothing, shoes and even hairdo’s!

3. The Green Team:

As you are aware the schools in the Langley School District have gone green. We are now composting our green waste, recycling paper and plastics and making as little garbage as possible. Each school has staff and students who are part of the “Green Team” who are keeping us all organized and following the new waste criteria. We wanted to make t-shirts for the green team so the students in Div. 13, Mr. Nelson’s class, have been busy making logos for the t-shirts. A sample of them seen below were created by students Michelle, Warren, Belle, Connor, Jorri, and Kennedy! I think no matter which logo gets chosen, they will be fantastic t-shirts with a great message!

4. Science Fair:

The students of Division 15 have been learning about the solar system and created amazing projects which represented their knowledge. Each student showed their learning in very different ways which they were able to explain to others with ease. Mrs. Cunningham invited in family members to come and enjoy the kids hard work yesterday afternoon and the room was full of adults being given mini space tours by all of the students. It was a great way for the kids to share their learning. Thank you for coming to share this time with the kids.

5. Coast Capital Grant:

Did you know that recently Coast Capital Savings gave the Langley School District Foundation $25,000 to fund the purchase of books and new technology at Langley Meadows Elementary. We have ordered new ipads for student use and have ordered some books already with more to be ordered this week! We are so thankful for this generous gift and know that it will engage kids in learning allowing them to be successful in many different ways. Thank you.


This weeks art work:

Division 10 Grade 4

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751