Mustang Moments Feb. 14th

February 15, 2014

1. 100’s Day!

For any parent who has or has had a child in a primary classroom you know how special 100’s day is! This week the students had been in school for 100 days. To celebrate they brought one hundred items from home to share, they did special counting and math up to 100, they made headbands and art and even dressed up! It was a great celebration!

2. Day three of the ski / snowboarding program

The kids had another glorious day on the mountain! Mr. Everson said that those who had never skied before are now doing blue runs! It always amazes me how fast kids learn, I’ve been learning to snowboard for three years and I am still on the bunny hill! I am glad they are having such a great time.

3. Grade 7 Trip

The grade 7’s went snowshoeing and tubing this week and had a great day. We had great weather and there was actually fresh snow so it turned out to be a fabulous trip. The kids are an amazing group and represented themselves and our school in such a positive manner. They thanked the bus driver, they were polite to the instructors and we received comments from the Mt. Seymour staff as to how well behaved the kids were! I was a proud principal! The morning consisted of a snowshoe adventure race against the other groups and in the afternoon we went tubing. Ms. V and her student teacher Miss. V, Mrs. Farrer and her student teacher Miss. Anderson, Ms. Ernst and myself had a blast racing the kids down the hill on the tubes I’m actually not sure who had more fun the kids or us! Thank you Mrs. Farrer and Ms. V for organizing this day.

4.Northwest Wildlife

Darren from Northwest Wildlife came to visit Mrs. Gorseth’s and her student teacher Miss. Tedford’s class to discuss endangered species. He brought a giant sea turtle shell of a 98 year old turtle, and some antlers from an elk. He also showed the kids an alligator handbag, some ivory napkin rings and jewelry, which are worth more than gold, as well as a leopard wallet. These items were illegally poached from animals and were confiscated and donated to his society to promote awareness of the reasons why these animals and many others are endangered. It was very interesting.

5. Math Callengers

8 Langley Meadows students went to the University of the Fraser Valley to compete in the first annual Fraser Valley Math Challengers.  We had two teams and they competed in the ‘grade 8 and under’ category.  Our school finished in 6th place, and we are now invited to compete in the provincial competition in May. Woohoo!

math challenger teams-1

6.Spicy the Cat

One of our students, Chloe, was excited to tell us this week that her cat Spicy is a famous TV star! Spicy has been filming in a upcoming TV show in Vancouver for over the past couple of months called Battle Cats! It’s a competition where pet owners train, and work hard to prepare their cats to go through a series of very competitive obstacle courses, and various unknown tricky situations.

Spicy was the top contender on Battle Cats, and won the competition!! The show will be airing in late Fall this year on Bite TV.

Throughout the competition and filming the show, Spicy was the model and cat icon for AUTISM AWARENESS.


7. Valentine’s Day

We ended the week on Valentine’s Day, which is always a lovely day to think about friendship and kindness. Many classes had special projects all day which included such things as friendship poetry, making special art, talent shows and writing special attributes about classmates. Of course the day also involved lots of treats!

Each year, Veterans Affairs Canada [VAC] invites Canadian schools to make Valentines for Vets. VAC then distributes the valentines to Veterans in long-term care facilities across the country in time for February 14. Division 14 let Veterans know we will never forget what they have done for us.

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751