Mustang Moments Feb. 13th

February 14, 2015

1. Button Blankets

Mrs. Danford’s class created button blankets this week with Aboriginal teacher Krystal Delong. These blankets serve as insignia of family and clan history and Krystal shared a blanket belonging to her family with the students. Students then sewed their own blanket creating their own design.

2. TWU Student Nurses

This week one of the lessons the nurses did was discussing various means of road safety. Mrs. Cunningham’s class talked about helmet safety and how to be safe while riding a bike or while rollerblading. They discussed how to be safe while walking on the sidewalk ensuring to look both ways and to watch for cars. They also discussed being safe while riding in a car. The kids had really good ideas to contribute to the discussion and the nurses had important information to share.


3. LMCA After School Baking and Craft Club

We are so lucky to have Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Yachuk running activities for our kids. This week the kids made Valentine art and then baked all sorts of yummy treats. The after school clubs are a great way to have your child meet other kids, learn new skills, and have fun all in an inexpensive way!

4. Parent Teacher Interviews

Thank you to all of the families who were able to make it out to school this week for Parent Teacher Interviews. The kids had an opportunity to show you their work and classroom routines which they are so proud of. Having that home school connection is so important as it shows kids that we value what they do each day at school and lets them know that we are working as a team, talking to each other about their learning.

5. Valentine’s Day

Special activities were in abundance in every classroom with kids taking the time to show each other they are happy with their friendships. Mrs. Randa did a lovely activity with the kids where each student took the time to identify qualities they really liked or noticed in other classmates, these were then given to each child to glue onto a sheet of paper, in the end they had a collage of special traits that their classmates enjoy about them. The kids were beaming while they read what their friends loved about them :O)

Other classes celebrated with their buddies making friendship salad and taking the time to eat and play together. It was a great day of kindness and caring.

The day ended with the LMCA family dance where again friends and family came together for laughs and good times.

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751