December 9, 2016
1.Christmas Tree Farm
Some of our students braved the snowy day on Monday to cut down a beautiful Christmas Tree for our school office. Each year, Noble Tree Farms give us an incredible deal on a beautiful tree for our school and we are so thankful. The kids had a great trip cutting it down and now it is set up and decorated in our office and looks lovely.
2. The Great Escape!
The Kindergarten students baked a gingerbread man this week and when they were waiting for him to cool he disappeared! The kids looked everywhere for him in the whole school trying to discover where he went! Mr. Gingerbread Man went on a great adventure leaving crumbs and clues everywhere! the kids finally found him in Mrs. Shedden’s room but unfortunately he was missing a leg…someone got hungry while he was running through the school and fingers have been pointed at our grade 5 teacher, Mr. Arthur’s!

3. Pulleys and Trolleys
Mr. Sum and Lucas are involved in an in-depth science unit involving pulleys and trolleys. They have built a zipline and the pulley and are running trial tests. Super interesting learning.
4. Christmas Concert
A delightful show filled with lots of variety. A bit of singing, dancing, drama and music. A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Cowie for all of her hard work in organizing the show and another big thank you to teachers and kids for practicing their hearts out! Thanks to all of the families that made it out to watch, this means the world to your kids.
5. Hard Core Boot Camp
Each morning students can start their day with a quick 15 minute work out to get out some of the jiggles. This morning it was a hard core work out class – they went out in the snow! They were so tired they fell down!

6. Snowy Day
Even with the smallest amount of snow, you can still try and make a snowman!