December 2, 2016
1.My Day as a Principal – written by Lucas
I went to a few classrooms to see how some classes can work. I did some supervision and I got to do some paper work and computer work. I worked on the budget, I sat in Mrs. Yeung’s room to watch what the class was doing and what the teacher was doing. I read a story to my little brother’s Kindergarten class. I fixed a squeaky cart in Mrs. Jackson’s class and I ordered pizza for lunch!! I had a great day!
Lucas and I had a great day together, he can come work with me anytime!
2. The Bus Trip
Mrs. McArthur’s class went on a bus trip of our local community. The kids drove around the neighbourhood, went through the mall and ended at the LEC where they played for a bit before heading home. We cannot thank Patti and Neil in transportation enough for making this happen. It put smiles on lots of faces :O)

3. Principal and Vice Principal’s Visit
We showcased five things about our school:
- Community Involvement
- Alternate Learning Environments
- Self Regulation
- Side by side teaching
- Technology
Everyone had a great visit and thought that our school felt very welcoming and very calm. Great compliments :O) I even caught two of our Assistant Superintendents playing hockey in the open gym!
4. Dance
We were so lucky to have had PL3Y Inc. in our school all day. A huge thank you to Mrs. Erickson for organizing this amazing event for our kids. The kids danced all day in small groups and literally rock it out! It was so much fun! They have three rules which I think are applicable to life in general! Check out more at:
Be Positive – Use words that are positive, that make you and others around you feel good.
Be Fun – Share the most fun version of yourself!
Be Yourself – Each person is different – discover your own unique physical literacy journey through movement and play