Mustang Moments Dec. 18th

December 19, 2014

1. Gingerbread Houses Galore!

Mrs. S-K and Mrs. Cunningham’s classes were busy this week building gingerbread villages with trees and snow! Very detailed indeed! Thank you to all of the parents who came to help build houses as I know sometimes it is tricky getting all those pieces to stay together. If the kids weren’t busy building houses they were making crafts. What a great day :O)

2. QR Codes

The staff have begun to use QR codes in their classes and it sure is an awesome way to add another element to teaching! Some of the primary classes have accessed QR codes for Robert Munsch books so the kids can hear the story being read to them. The students in Mrs. Randa’s class explored many Munsch books and are now using an ipad program called “Show Me” to explain which book they had a connection to and why.

3. Christmas Trees

This week Mrs. Jackson’s class made the yummiest trees! Who needs evergreens when you can have a tree covered in candy!

4. Pajama / Movie Day

We ended the week just chilling out to our favorite movies wearing our comfy pj’s! Students made donations to the “Pajama Project” and all of the money raised will be used to purchase pj’s for grieving moms who have lost a child. Genna and Chloe in Grade 4 sold hot chocolate at home and made $15 and donated it all to the Pajama Project! Thank you, girls. A day of relaxation in our jammies for us but money raised for a good cause!

5. Breakfast Club

We had a special visitor this morning at Breakfast Club! So lucky to have Santa pop in for breakfast!

Merry Christmas Everyone. I hope you enjoy your time together with family and friends. See you in the New Year.


Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751