Mustang Moments April 20th

April 20, 2018

Implementing the new ADST (Applied Design, Skills and Technologies) Curriculum

The Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies curriculum builds on students’ natural curiosity, inventiveness, and desire to create and work in practical ways. The ability to design and make, acquire skills as needed, and apply technologies is important in the world today and a key aspect of educating citizens for the future.

Mrs. Faubert’s class read “The Secret Subway” by Shana Corey and then built our own subways.

Speech Festival

Each year I am so impressed by how smart and articulate our students are. LMCS students participated in the schools speech festival event this week showcasing their oral language skills. Writing a speech requires students to chose a topic of interest, undertake research, organize and write down their ideas and then finally be able to articulate and share their ideas or opinions. No small undertaking! All of the students participating did an outstanding job. Congratulations to Chloe, Jovin, Logan and Alayna who represented our school at the semi final event on Thursday. A big congratulations to Jovin and Chloe who will represent LMCS next week at the district final event.

Reading Link Challenge

Six of our LMCS students participated in the Langley Reading Link Library Challenge hosted this week at Gordon Greenwood Elementary. Our student competed against 17 other teams testing their knowledge of 6 novels they had read as a team. The kids knew their novels inside and out and did an outstanding job! Way to go, Lily, Jayden, Rhys, Chloe, Brooklyn and Kaden.

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751