Mustang Moments December 11th

December 11, 2015

1.Van City Angels

The students of Mrs. Cunningham’s class raised money by doing extra chores around the house. They then brainstormed a list of gifts they would like to purchase for the angels they chose off of the Van City Christmas tree. The gifts that the children are holding were purchased with the $172.46 that the students raised. They gave a very very long list of suggestions. With the few dollars left over, the class voted to put it into the coins for kids collection.

Van City Angels (1) Van City Angels (2)

2. LMCA Mystery Club

The kids started this weeks mystery club by doing a scavenger hunt around the school and then they played “Minute to Win It”. The kids had great fun trying to accomplish the crazy tasks they were given within a minute!

Mystery Club (1) Mystery Club (2) Mystery Club (3) Mystery Club (4) Mystery Club (5) Mystery Club (6) Mystery Club (7) Mystery Club (8) Mystery Club (9) Mystery Club (10)

3. Kindergarten Registration Opens Monday, January 18, 2016

All children who will be five years old by December 31, 2016 (children born in 2011) are eligible for the Kindergarten program beginning September 6, 2016. Registrations received after March 31, 2016 will be considered late. Late registration may affect placement in your catchment school due to space limitations.

The following documents are required at the time of registration:

  • Proof of Age (Birth Certificate)
  • Proof of Canadian Citizenship or Permanent Resident Status must be provided for the parent (Canadian Birth Certificate, Canadian Citizenship Card, Canadian Passport, Landed Immigrant documentation, Permanent Resident documentation/cards)
  • Proof of residence (Driver’s License, utility bill or Lease/Rental Agreement)

For more information and registration times please contact the school.

4. StrongStart

StrongStart is a FREE, early learning, drop in program for children birth to 5 years of age. Parents and/or caregivers attend this fully funded Ministry of Education program with their children. As Early Childhood Educators, the StrongStart facilitator provides a rich play based environment full of activities. The activities provided will promote opportunities where your child/children can make new friends, explore new activities and learn skills that will assist them in the preparation and successful transition to kindergarten. As adults you are encouraged to get involved in the learning opportunities – stories, music, art, puzzles, games and so much more. Join a StrongStart near you where you can discover new ways to support your child’s learning, get information about community resources and make valuable connections with others attending the program.

Morning Schedule

  • Langley Meadows 9am – 12 noon
  • North Otter 8:30am – 11:30am
  • Nicomekl 9am – 12 noon
  • Simonds 9am – 12 noon
  • Parkside 8:35am – 11:35am

Afternoon Schedule

  • West Langley 1pm – 4pm
  • Douglas Park 1pm – 4pm
  • Willoughby 1pm – 4pm
  • James Hill 1pm – 4pm

5. Stay Connected

The PAC is wondering if you wish to “stay connected” wiht PAC information and events, can you please email them with your email address and then they can directly email you updates and information. Due to privacy laws, the PAC needs you to forward your email address each year.

EMAIL (questions):
**Pls send us your email address**

WEBSITE (info):


E-NEWS: weekly school updates.
Pls signup from website

access code: LMHL

Monthly PAC Mtg’s: alternate evening and day mtg’s

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751