August 28, 2019

August 28, 2019


Welcome Back!

Another summer has come and gone but the excitement and anticipation of a new school year takes its place.  Custodial and maintenance staff worked with diligence to ready Langley Meadows Community School for the school year.


We are excited to welcome all of our families to the school.  It’s been a busy week as we welcome new families and students registering for school. We also received phone calls from families who moved away over the summer.  With all these changes, we are looking forward to connecting over the first week!


As for myself, I am thrilled to be joining the Langley Meadows family!  I began my career in education in Ottawa, Ontario, teaching in French, primary and also at middle school.  My husband and I moved to Langley in 1997 and began our family, and I began my career with the Langley School District.  I have had the privilege to work with Langley students in a variety of capacities, as a classroom teacher, music specialist, resource teacher, and as a vice principal and principal.  I am so proud to be part of this district and part of the passionate commitment to help all students reach their full potential.


The Langley Meadows Community has already made me feel so very welcome and I am looking forward to getting to know students, parents and staff over the next few weeks.  I enjoy hearing about what you love about this community and learning how I can continue to support the great things happening here!


See you at school!


Mrs. Beth Cairnie



The First Week of School

These first days are important ones as we welcome our students, create positive connections and confirm our enrolment for the 2019-2020 school year.  As in past years, most of our students will spend the week with last year’s teachers.  Please note the plan below.  It will also be posted around the school building and on a bulletin board by our front door.


Tuesday, September 3: 

8:40 – 10:15 for Grades 1-5. Students will go back to their class from last year except last year’s Kindergarten students will go to different classes.  The K teachers will be busy welcoming our new K’s but it will be clearly marked on your last year’s Kindergarten classroom door as to where your child will go.

This year’sKindergarten families please follow the A or B group time schedule that was sent to you by email in July and again in late August.  The classroom that you will attend will be posted on rolling boards at the front door Tuesday morning.

All new students and families to LMCS please join us in the Library, which is just inside the front school doors to your right.


Our PAC would like to welcome all parents on Tuesday morning, also.  From 9:00 to 10:00, join them in the gym.  There will be Starbucks coffee and baked goodies.  It’s a chance to meet other parents, connecting after summer, and fellowship after getting the kids settled in their classes.  (Younger siblings are welcome). 

Wednesday, Sept. 4th:

8:40 – 2:40 for Grades 1-5. All students, even new ones, will continue to be in the same room they
were in on Tuesday. Please drop off and pick up there. New families, if you are not sure where that was yesterday, just come to the office and we will help. Maps and teacher names will continue to be on our outside doors or in classroom windows.

This year’sKindergarten families please follow the A or B group time schedule that was sent to you by email in July and again in late August.  Go to the classroom you were in yesterday at your assigned time.

Thursday, Sept. 5th:

8:40-2:40 for Grades 1-5. All students, even new ones, will continue to be in the same room they
were in on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please drop off and pick up there. Still not sure where that is?  Come to the office and we can help!

This year’sKindergarten families please follow the A or B group time schedule that was sent to you by email in July and again in late August. Go to the classroom you were in the last few days at your assigned time.


Friday, September 6th

Today, we hope to move mid-day and have students in the classrooms they will have for this year.  As in past years, we just have to see how the first week unfolds at LMCS and the direction of the Langley School District.  We will certainly keep you updated.  Notes will be sent home with children letting parents know the teacher, room number and division number for the year.

This year’sKindergarten families please follow the A or B group time schedule that was sent to you by email in July and again in late August.  Go to the classroom you were in the last few days at your assigned time.



Medical Alerts and Administration of Medication

Your child’s health and wellness is important to us!  If your child has medical needs that require school attention or a life-threatening medical conditions, we want to know and work with you for your child’s well-being. For those in our system already, we will be forwarding an email with forms later this week through our MyEdBC contact system.  If you are new to our school or your child has a newly diagnosed medical concern, please come by the office on Tuesday, September 3 to update information and help us put in the proper supports for you child.


For parents of children with anaphylacticallergies, please complete a medical care plan and send the Epi-Pen to school with your child.


If you learn that your child has an infection such as pertussis (whooping cough), measles, chicken pox, hand-foot-and mouth, please let us know right away!  These infections can be very dangerous to other children who have depressed immune systems that result from various medical conditions or treatments.  We like to alert the classroom families at times like these.


It is our preference that, when possible, your child’s medication is administered at home rather than relying on school staff to do this.  However, for some of our students, medication administration is required during the instructional day.  For everyone’s safety, please complete medication administration forms sent by email and leave all medication (prescription and over-the-counter) with us at the office.



Langley Meadows Community School website


School information is contained on our website, including our calendar, upcoming events, school closure information and our weekly newsletter.  There are links to MyEdBC parent portal and supports, a staff directory and always, photos to celebrate the great learning that takes place. Be sure to bookmark it!

Aboriginal Program

Each student will be bringing home a yellow self-identification sheet to indicate Aboriginal Ancestry (First Nations, Metis or Inuit).  If this applies to your student, please complete this and return for enrolment in our Aboriginal Program, led by Ms. Heyes, our new Aboriginal Support Worker.


Student Agendas

Teachers use student agendas to support learning and home-school communication. The cost of the agenda is $6 and can be paid on line through this presents a financial hardship, please contact Mrs. Cairnie.


Bell and Lunch Schedule

8:25 Outdoor supervision begins

8:40 Welcome bell

8:45 Attendance bell

10:15 Recess

10:30 Classes resume

12:00 Lunch eating period

12:20 Playtime begins

12:40 Welcome bell

12:45 Afternoon classes resume

2:39 Dismissal bell

2:54 Outdoor supervision ends


Kiss & Go Lane For Safe Drop Off

Mornings are hectic and our community is committed to safe and quick drop offs for those who drive their students to school.  Inside the school parking lot there are two lanes – the right hand lane closest to the school is a Kiss and Go Lane. To keep this a safe and quick process for all, kindly go PAST the crosswalk when the student leaders and the adults wave you through.  Then, pull all of the way as far forward as you can.  The kids should be ready to be quick: kiss, say good-bye, grab their stuff and exit the car.  The left lane is for drive through only.  Please do not stop for extended periods of time in either of these lanes and never park here.  If you are waiting for your child, then you need to find a proper parking spot.


Parent Volunteer Orientation – September 13 at 9:00

We love having parents and grandparents help out in our school on a regular basis!  The involvement of caring adults in a school has significant impact on student success and a sense of belonging.  As per the District requirements, a parent volunteer orientation is hosted each September to share policies about the roles and responsibilities of volunteers and answer any questions you may have.  All volunteers need to complete the volunteer safety check.  Our first scheduled orientation is on Friday, September 13 from 9:00 until 9:30 am in the Learning Commons.  There will be a second orientation at Meet the Teacher.


Student Verifications, Media Release and Technology Permissions

Once students are enrolled in classes, this paperwork will come home to families.  Please complete these and return them to us as soon as possible.


  • Student Verification – it is critical that we have up-to-date information so that we can reach you in an emergency and so that you can receive information from your school.
  • Media Release – we love to share the learning that takes place with others. Teachers and the school have websites.  To post a picture, we need your consent.  Pictures are never posted with names on the school website or with last names on closed, teacher sites.
  • Technology Permissions: We are proud to have bins of iPads in all of our K-5 classrooms, a full class set of iPads and also a class set of laptops. Technology is moving learning forward a faster rate and allowing for students to share their learning in innovative ways.  Students need your permission to utilize technology at school.


From the Langley Meadows PAC:


Back to School Coffee Hour:

The PAC will be hosting our second annual Back to School Coffee Hour on the first day of school, where parents can come and enjoy treats and coffee in the gym from 9-10am after you drop your kids off to their classes.  We hope to see many of you there and re-connect over the summer 🙂


First PAC Meeting of the Year:

Our first PAC Meeting of the year will be Friday September 13th at 9am in the PAC Portable.  Coffee and treats will be served and all are welcome (children included).  PAC Meetings are a great place to hear from our Principal, learn about what’s happening in the school and community, volunteer opportunities, fundraising, and connect with other families.  We hope to see you there!


School Supplies

If you ordered school supplies through the school, our PAC will organize these for our classes and these will be distributed once students are enrolled in their class for the year. Otherwise you should have picked up a supply list and purchased the materials at any local store.  If you still need to order supplies, you can do so at  A shout out goes to our PAC for helping with the organization of these materials.


For our kindergarten students, your teacher will be asking for school supply funds that can be paid through



A key to success at school is strong attendance and arriving on time. We know from research that attendance and late arrivals impact learning cumulatively.  Studies are now showing that a total of 18 days lost over a school year, even non-consecutive days, impacts student achievement, up to one grade level.  We encourage families to take holidays during school-scheduled holiday time.  We are not able to prepare learning packages for family holidays as strong instruction in class, such as small group instruction, classroom dialogues, modeling strategies and personalized teaching cannot be replicated in worksheet packages.


If your child needs to be away from school, please let our office know by call 604-530-4101.

Langley Meadows is Nut Aware

As we have numerous students with life-threatening nut allergies, we ask that you only send nut-free products to school. This is one way we can take care of each other in our community.  Once classes are settled, you may learn of other allergies and sensitivities in your child’s classroom.




Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751