Mustang Moments June 7th

June 7, 2019

Staff Appreciation Luncheon

What a treat to be able to sit and chat as a staff and be pampered by all of you! A big thank you to Lisa Briggs for organizing this event for our staff and thank you to all of the parents who took the time to make something for our luncheon.

French Restaurant

Division 1 had a french luncheon to culminate their French language learning throughout the year. They also enjoyed watching Ratatouille!

District Track and Field

Our grade 4’s and 5’s represented LMCS at the district track meet this week and did a great job. They tried their best in each event and showed sportsmanship the entire time. Way to go!! Thank you to Mrs. Erickson for making this happen and for the staff and parents who supported the day as well.

Max’s 2nd place ball throw

Cole 3rd place 800m

Alayna 1st place 800m
Luke 3rd place 800m
Nic 1st place long jump
Avery 4th place 800m
Jayden O 1st place ball throw
Mitchell 5th palce 800m
Katie 5th place 800m
Sam and Mason 3rd place long jump
Juliana 1st place long jump
Karsen 1st place ball throw
Max 6th place 100m
Lily D 5th place 100m
Kobyn 5th place 100m
Mya 3rd 100m
Tyson 5th place 50m
Emma 6th place 50m
Lauren 6th palce 50m
Matthew 3rd place 50 m
Val 6th place 50m
Savanna 4th place 100m
Teagan 2nd place 200m
Alayna 2nd place 200m
Savana 6th place ball throw
Kaden 5th place 200m
Lily D 6th place 200m
Mya 3rd place 200m
Kiera 5th place long jump
Scarlett 5th place long jump
Cole 5th place 400m
Emma 4th place 400m
Luke 5th place 400m
Arya 5th place.400m
Jayden 2nd place 400m
Katie 5th place 400m
Hailey 2nd place 400m
Tyson, Cole, Luke, Mitchell 4th place relay
Emma, Alayna, Teagan, Savanna 6th place
Max, Julian, Mason, Jovan 5th place
Lauren, Avery, Scarlett, Arya 5th place
Jayden, Kaden, Matthew, Nic 4th place
Juliana, Lily D, Hailey, Mya 2nd place
Kaden, Mitchell, Kobyn, Karsen 5th place
Ashley, Val, Kieah, Katie 5th place
Jackson, Sam, Kiara, Kaitlin, Jovan, Val, Matthew, Ashley 6th place
Cole, Amaya, Tyson, Emma, Hailey, Jayden, Juliana, Kobyn 5th place

Cultas Lake Water Slides

The grade 5’s had a great day at the water slides! The weather managed to stay sunny and the kids had a great day hanging out with friends.

Stuffie Day

A great day to cuddle your favorite stuffie all day long.

Math Measuring

Division 11 is learning about measurement. They were practicing measuring using non standard units of measurement. Fun.


Division 11 is busy learning about vortexes. They did experiments on how to drain water from a bottle and they noticed that it drained twice as fast when they created a vortex. Interesting!

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751