Mustang Moments October 26th

October 26, 2018

Clean Up Your Act

This performance, sponsored by the Township of Langley, taught the students about littering, vandalism, and graffiti. This fun and educational play also taught the kids about basic recycling and respecting the property of others. Prevention of littering and vandalism begins with shaping the attitudes and behaviours of children at a young age. The performers used wacky versions of the storybook characters kids know and love to instillĀ a desire to keep our environment safe.

The Fall Season

Mr. Raphael’s class tackled the school garden this week, pulling weeds, cutting down old plants and just generally cleaning up the end of the summer growing season. The garden plots are now ready for students to plant next seasons surprises. Many of the classes are planting tulip bulbs so watch for these beautiful flowers to pop up in the spring!

Grade 5 Pumpkins!

Too old for the pumpkin patch but never too old for carving pumpkins!! Bose farms delivers pumpkins straight to the school and then the kids take it from there!

Fitness Expert!

Division 15 had a fitness expert lead them in a health discussion and workout! Blake is the owner of Submission Spin and he is passionate about teaching adults and children how to live their best, healthy life. He has challenged us to try a new fruit or veggie and he’ll come back for another workout!

Crazy Hair

Always makes me smile to see how many different ideas the kids come up with!

A great day for some of our students to check out the pumpkin patch!

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751