September 28, 2018
Flex it Friday’s
Division 15 has taken the pledge to challenge and respect their bodies! Every Friday, we are having “Flex it Friday” where they complete a workout and discuss their healthy habits and goals. Way to go! Checkout their muscles!
New Friendships
Some new friendships blossoming.
Terry Fox Run
Thank you to our amazing community for another great Terry Fox Run. A big thank you to Mrs. Erickson for organizing the students, staff, and volunteers to make this day a great success. Thank you to all of you who came to help or run along side of us.
Orange Shirt Day
An important day for us to honor and remember. All week long the staff has been teaching about the importance of this day by sharing stories and recording our ideas and feelings. In order to honor this day, we wear orange shirts. Below is the history of why we wear orange shirts on this day:
Orange Shirt Day is a legacy of the St. Joseph Mission (SJM) residential school commemoration event held in Williams Lake, BC, Canada, in the spring of 2013. At the event, Phyllis Webstad shared her story of excitedly wearing her brand new orange shirt that her granny had bought for her first day of school at SJM. When she arrived there, her orange shirt was taken from her and it was never returned.
In September 2013, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission held an event in Vancouver, which was attended by a number of staff from the Aboriginal Program and others from our district. Phyllis’ story was shared again and the idea was spread to wear orange shirts on September 30. Many of those who attended from our district chose to participate on their own for the first Orange Shirt Day. Over the coming year, the Aboriginal program, through work spearheaded by Josette Dandurand (Aboriginal Program Cultural Presenter & Kwantlen Elder), Luke Dandurand (Aboriginal Support Worker) and Cecelia Reekie (School District trustee), pushed for Orange Shirt Day to be recognized by all schools in the district. In September of 2014, it was decided by the District Leadership team and supported by the Board of Education that on September 30 (or if it occurs on the weekend, the last school day before September 30), all schools in the Langley School District will recognize and support Orange Shirt Day.
When we wear an Orange Shirt, it is meant first and foremost to honour those who survived residential school and the memory of those who did not return, while recognizing the harm done to all Indigenous people. It is an opportunity for the District to reaffirm our commitment to reconciliation and show a commitment to the principle that every child matters.
Soccer Tournament
Division 6 had a friendly soccer tournament. Yuna and the rest of the class showed awesome sportsmanship by celebrating their success and awarding the winning team a trophy!
Division 2 and 15 having a buddy work out!