April 8, 2017
1. Fraser Valley Families Centennial Museum:
Div. 12 learned about the basic needs for all human beings of shelter, food, clothes, transportation and fun. It doesn’t matter when you lived. These are the basic needs!
They learned about the First Nation shelters and transportation, their food and how it was caught and prepared, and the games they played. Students got to handle First Nation artifacts and discuss how they might have been used.
They also learned about the Pioneers. How and what kind of homes they had and their transportation. Students saw the inside of a pioneer grocery store and discussed different items in the store. Students also handled different pioneer artifacts for baking, ironing, building, and starting a car and they played some pioneer children’s games.
Div. 10, 11 and 12 had a visit from LEPS this week where they learned about the life cycle of the salmon, what a healthy river environment looks like for salmon, the dangers to salmon rivers (pollutants), and how they could protect river habitats. A great visit filled with lots of hands on activities!
3. Milton Randall
Mr. Randall spent the entire day with our students teaching them how to play patterns on the drum. We ended the day with our grade 4 and 5 students putting on a performance that was outstanding! So much fun!
4. Reading Link Challenge
A selection of our students have been reading and studying 6 popular novels in preparation for a trivia challenge. This week we had our school challenge where three teams competed against each other answering comprehension questions. The Book Worms won the challenge and were invited to represent LMCS at the next challenge at Lynn Fripps on Tuesday, April 11th at 1pm.
5. Yo Yo Balloons
Ms. Moir’s class had a successful week selling yo yo balloons! All of the money raised will go to support families in our school community. Thank you for all of your support.