March 3, 2017
1.Another Snowy Day
Does Mother Nature know its March? The kids are still thrilled, however!
2.What Do You Do With a Problem?
This is a fabulous book by Kobi Yamada that Ms. D has been sharing with different classes. It’s a great book that gets kids to think about problems in a different way. Sometimes a problem is really an opportunity to try something new! If a friend decides not to play with you it’s an opportunity to play with someone new, if you can’t get the book you want from the library it’s an opportunity to explore a new author, etc. A positive twist and a great way to create and foster an open mind set.
As part of our school goal we have been talking about problems with our students. Using the graphic below to have them consider how big their problem is. Classes have discussed possible problems and categorized them as small, medium or big. This has been helping kids better analyze how big their dilemma is that they might be struggling with.

3. States of Matter
Mrs. Yeung’s class was busy exploring states of matter through their scientific study of ice cubes! They thought about the best way to make their piece of ice melt and then timed their hypothesis. Some students blew on their cube, some held it in their hands while others stuck it in their mouth…which was the quickest?
4. Coding
Division 5 was learning how to code today and it amazes me how quickly the kids pick these skills up!