Mustang Moments February 23rd

February 25, 2017

1.Local Donation

We are very fortunate to be sponsored by the Langley Walmart. This week they called to say they had twenty boxes of supplies and wondered if we could use them. Absolutely! We will be dispersing them to students in our school who may need some new supplies and also sharing them with other schools who have students in need as well. Such a generous gift and we are so thankful.

2. Anti Bullying Posters

Mrs. Jackson’s class had multiple class conversations around anti bullying and then watched selected videos depicting “united in differences, united in acceptance, united in kindness together against bullying and its better to be a friend” and then created anti bullying posters – the messages they came up with were very powerful! Kids are so smart!

3. Pink Shirt Day

This year the Langley School District implemented Diversity Week to coincide with Anti- Bullying Pink Shirt Day. Lessons occurred all week long in various classrooms around the importance of acceptance of all different kinds of people and around kindness. Important lessons we teach all year long but valuable to really focus on for one week solid.

4. Community Posters

Mrs. Jackson’s class has been studying communities in Social Studies. In small groups they researched a type of community, created a poster and then explained their findings to the class.

5. Jump Rope For Heart

We will be participating again this year in the Heart and Stroke Foundations fundraiser Jump Rope For Heart. We had our kick off assembly on Friday and fundraising forms went home as well. Our school skipping day is Friday March 10th. Feel free to join your child that day for some fun skipping to support an important cause. As many of you know, this foundation is close to my heart as my mom had an emergency quadruple bi-pass 11 years ago at age 57 and I am so thankful for the doctors and the research from the Heart and Stroke Foundation that saved her life. Thank you to Mrs. Erickson for organizing this event again this year.

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751