February 17, 2017
1. Valentine’s Day
A great day was had in classrooms with children sharing special friendship salads and other treats with each other while different activities reminded kids about the importance of kindness.
2. Duffle Bag Theatre
The Duffle Bag Theatre came and shared their adaptations of fairy tales and classic stories, with audience members being invited into the show to play the main parts! With DuffleBag Theatre, the dream of living a fairy tale actually does come true! Story titles included Robin Hood and Cinderella.
3. Ice Cream Science
A bag of ice, some salt, a touch of cream and a bunch of shaking can give you the sweet treat of ice cream! It’s also a fun way to show students how states of matter can change!
4. Hard Hat
Why learn about perimeter in a book with a piece of paper and a pencil when you can get busy outside with a hard hat, a tape measure and a clip board. Mr. Sum and Lukas were busy figuring out the perimeter of Langley Meadows! Then they were busy learning about money at the Walmart store they set up with Mrs. Hamilton. Fantastic hands on learning!
5. Hat Day
Who knew there were so many different kinds of hats! What a great variety!
6. Communities
Mr. Raphael’s class is busy at work learning about communities and recording their work on group posters.