December 17, 2016
1.Santa’s Breakfast
Every year the LMCA hosts breakfast with Santa and it is my favorite event all year long! The day starts early with the LMCA team flipping pancakes and bacon at 6am (it actually starts late the night before with table set up) and by 8am they are ready for the crowds hungry for breakfast! It is such a lovely community event with families arriving in pj’s to see Santa and visit with friends. Thank you so much to the LMCA for giving of their time to organize such a special Saturday morning.
2. Santa’s Sale
Another successful “One Day Santa Sale!” Thank you to all of the families who donated items for the sale and for the parents who hit the pavement rounding up donations! There were so many items that the kids could choose from, it was amazing! The students came through with their coins and purchased special items for people they loved. It was so neat to see them excited saying “I bought this for my grandma” or “I know my sister will love this”. It’s one of those days that makes your heart happy :O) A huge thank you to Ms. Moir, Mrs. Grondahl and Mrs. Pinkerton for the hours of organizing to make this day happen. A big thank you to the parents who helped sell items all day as well.
More amazing and heartwarming news about the kindness and generosity of our school community. Between the Raffle Sale and the Santa Store, we raised close to $1,300.00!  Coins for Kids raised over $1,300.00.  Altogether, our students, staff and parents brought in well over $2,500.00 to support members of our school family. Thank you so much to all who participated!
We ended up having a remarkable number of prizes for our Raffle Sale. Twenty-two in all! Thank you to everyone who donated prizes; it is greatly appreciated. The winners of the Raffle Sale are as follows:
- Mrs. Kungl          MOOSC
- Cameron             Division 8
- Lyla                    Division 7
- Arshi                  Division 1
- Queenie              Division 7
- Jacob                 Division 4
- Chanel                Division 1
- Aisha                 Division 3
- Micah                Division 16
- Emily                  Division 14
- Sawyer               Division 4
- Ms. Wilson          Division 9
- Joe                    Division 5
- Angel                 Division 7
- Charlie               Division 1
- Alayna                Division 10
- Ava                    Division 6
- Keira                  Division 3
- Jack                   Division 17
- Chantel              Division 10
- Safa                   Division 14
- Rylan                 Division 3

3. Lochiel School House
Mrs. Boyce’s class took a visit to the old Lochiel school house and weren’t quite sure about some of the expectations. Sitting in their desk without elbows on the table and using a bathroom…OUTSIDE! They had a great trip realizing how things used to be!
4. Gingerbread Houses and Christmas Trees
Mrs. Yeung’s class was busy decorating gingerbread houses while Mrs. Jackson and Mr. Raphael were making Christmas trees! In all activities the main focus really was just eating the candies!
5.Volunteer Breakfast
Thank you to all of the people who help run breakfast club each morning. This program wouldn’t happen without you. A big thank you to Joanne and Erin who organize the entire breakfast program, buying groceries, creating menus, organizing volunteers and also hosting this thank you breakfast!

6. Movie / PJ Day
Another successful round of movies!! The kids settled into pj’s and popcorn and it was a great afternoon.
Happy Holidays Everyone. Enjoy time with your family and friends. See you in the New Year.