Langley Meadows Community Association

A big part of our school is the Langley Meadows Community Association. The Langley Meadows Community Association is a non-profit organization that operates out of Langley Meadows Community School.

Working closely with the school staff and PAC we are fortunate to be able to offer a variety of programs through the school year which include family movie nights, Fall Fair, Santa Breakfast, Valentine’s Dance and Spring Music Festival. We operate Meadows Out of School Care, providing before and after school care to kindergartens to grade 5 and regularly offer low cost programs after school. These programs include: soccer, gymnastics, gym games, stop motion lego, baking, crafts, book club, games club,etc. In addition, we recently began a before school drop in gym time three mornings a week. We also oversee The Breakfast Club which provides a healthy breakfast each morning at no cost to any Langley Meadows student interested in attending.

As well we run a Friday night program called Nights’ Alive. Any grade 5-7 students living in the Langley Meadows area are welcome to join us for games and activities at Nights’ Alive on Friday nights from 6:00-8:00pm.

If you care to offer help in any capacity or just want to know more about us, please contact

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751