Mustang Moments Nov. 14

November 15, 2014

1. Halloween Donation

Last week Division 8 was kind enough to donate Hallowe’en treat baggies to young men and women in basic training at a military base in Quebec.  Mrs. McKay (Lauren’s mom) organized it all and the children enjoyed writing letters to these special people. The students letters and candy were sent for the soldiers to enjoy.

2. All About Trees

Today the grade 2s and 3s bundled up in coats, hats and mittens and ventured outside to participate in a Tree Talk by Certified Arborists.  Mr. Sjodin, a parent at our school, is a member of B.C. Plant Health Care.  This organization is the winner of the 2012 Surrey Board of Trade Business and Environment Award. This award is presented to a Surrey Board of Trade member that has demonstrated exceptional dedication to environmental leadership and/or issues.  The award recipients are guided by a sense of respect for the environment and demonstrate this initiative consistently.

The children learned about the trees’ “skin” by taking bark rubbings.  As there are many different types of trees on our school property, Mr. Sjodin explained how to identify our trees, tree buds, various leaves, and all the parts of trees. The students then watched a slide show and had all their questions answered by another arborist.  Thank you Mrs. Cunningham for arranging a morning of interesting and exciting learning.


3. Wi-Fi Upgrades

This week the school’s Wi-Fi was updated and students in Mrs. S-K’s class welcomed Nathan the Electrician. The children had an impromptu lesson on what encompasses an electrician’s job.  Nathan patiently answered the students many questions and then explained why there were so many wires above the ceiling tiles.  The best part is that the classroom’s Wi-Fi is now in tip-top shape.  Thank you Nathan.

4. Book Fair

Please note a change in the book fair schedule. On Tuesday, November 25th the book fair will be open in the morning from 9:45 – 10:30am. This is a collaboration day for staff and is a late start for students so the book fair schedule needed to be altered. Thanks for understanding.



Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751