Mustang Moments October 10th

October 11, 2014

1. Dave’s Orchard

This week Mrs. B-G’s class and Mrs. Randa’s class visited Dave’s Orchard. They had so much fun learning about corn, gourds, pumpkins and beets and came home with armloads of produce. They also had an opportunity to feed cows and chickens at the orchard! To end the learning the kids made vegetable soup on Friday from the harvest.  Some of the students even had three helpings!

2. Kindergarten Scientists

Division 18 has been learning about apples in class. On Friday each student brought an apple to school and sorted them by colour, counted and graphed them. They were also scientists and each student made a prediction: whether an apple would sink or float and then they tested to find out. An apple floats! Later they used the apples to make yummy applesauce.

Also in celebration of Thanksgiving, the students made turkey headbands and pine cone turkeys. Busy busy!
Gobble, gobble!
Happy Thanksgiving from Div.18!



3. Hallway Heads

Our Grade 3 student teacher, Ms. Fraser, had her class make “Hallway Heads”. These are replicas of the students which are hanging in the hallway. Throughout the year students can attach pieces of work they are proud of to show others. What a great idea!

4. Life Cycles

Ms. Wendell’s class is learning about living things and their life cycles. This week division 11 painted pumpkins in preparation for their pumpkin patch visit.

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751