Mustang Moments April 14th

April 11, 2014

1. Gardening Begins

As the weather warms up and the soil begins to defrost the gardening bug has hit classrooms at Langley Meadows. We have been very fortunate to have had a community garden built at the front of Langley Meadows by our school district maintenance department. The garden has seven raised beds and multiple pots around the outer edge for kids to plant in. Interested classrooms have been meeting and deciding on gardening plans. We have approached both Home Depot and Walmart asking for support in providing us with gardening tools, a storage shed, and other gardening incidentals so we are keeping our fingers crossed that they are able to help in some capacity. However, while we wait we have a few tools and some gloves and the students are thrilled to be outside working in the soil!

This week Mrs. S-K’s class was out readying the garden beds and tubs and were begging each morning to have garden time! Mrs. Moir’s class and their buddies in Mrs. Friesen’s class have also been outside tending to their daffodils.

Our hope with the garden is to let kids have hands on experience with plant life cycles, responsibility in plant growth, learning about where food actually comes from and so much more!

2. District Speech Festival

Today the Langley School District hosted their district speech competition with students from many schools across the district. Six students from Langley Meadows were there to represent our school community. Luca, Savannah, Andrew, Faith, Brooklyn and Maansi all did an outstanding job presenting their speeches in front of a very formal audience. The competition was fierce but our kids were among the best and I was so proud of their efforts and thoughtful speeches. Congratulations to them all for making it to this final level and an extra hurray for Savannah for placing third in the Primary category and Faith for placing second in the Grade 4/5 category! Way to go! speech

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751