April 4, 2014
1. Speech Festival
This week students chosen from each grade group presented their speeches in the gym. Neha, Evan, Luca, Savannah, Caitlyn, Dylan, Faith, Andrew, Efe, Danika, Maansi and Brooklyn did an amazing job and I was so proud of all of them! Each student had taken the time to write a well researched and thought out topic, they then presented in front of the entire school and were very articulate in sharing their ideas. Very brave students indeed. Congrats to Luca, Savannah, Faith, Andrew, Maansi and Brookly who will continue on to compete once again at the district level April 11th. A big thank you to Mr. Everson, Mr. Jackson and Ms. Ernst for being judges – that’s a tough job!

2. KUNDA African Culture Music & Dance
We had the pleasure of having Sasha and Koca with us for two days teaching the kids about African music, dance, and culture and it was so much fun! We can’t wait to have them back. Thank you to the PAC for paying for this great art event for the Langley Meadows students.
3. Intermediate Swimming
All of the intermediate classes went swimming yesterday and had an afternoon filled with exercise and laughter! It was a great time for the kids and we appreciate the financial support from the PAC helping with the costs.
4. Buddies in the new Garden!
Mrs. Moir and Mrs. Friesen’s classes have been growing daffodils and they have waited patiently and finally the time has arrived! The flowers are in full bloom. What a great way to spend time together as buddies :O)
5. Mr. Raphael had some help this week with his crossing guard duties! His oldest son Jaxson was a huge helper! Thanks Jaxson!