Mustang Moments Feb. 28th

March 1, 2014

1. Snow Day….Again…..

We had snow again this week and gorgeous sunny weather! The kids had great fun on their day off on Monday sledding and playing and the fun continued at school on Tuesday.

2. Anti Bullying Day or PINK Day

We spend time each day on this topic, talking to kids about being kind and a good friend. But on Wednesday we all wore pink as a reminder to stop bullying and to accept each other as we are. The school was a sea of pink in all shades! We took a school picture at lunch in the shape of a heart to signify the love we feel for each other!

3. The Final Ski / Snowboarding Day

Thank you Mr. Everson for taking our students to the mountains! What a great experience!

4. Heart Dissections

The grade 5’s have been learning about the circulatory system and what better way to see how things gets moved around our body than to see a heart up close and in person! Mrs. Foo and Mrs. Watkin’s dissected a heart this week with their classes.  Great hands on learning!

5. Langley Environmental Partners Society

LEPS was back again this week for an all day program called “Salmon in Your Schoolyard”. There were 3 stations that the students rotated through learning about salmon and the dangers in our water that could effect them.

6. Grade 7 Dance Routines

Part of the PE curriculum is dance and Mr. Raphael had the grade 7’s excited about dancing! They have been practicing routines for a few weeks and this week they showcased their talents in class with a final presentation. They also had a special guest in who showed the kids some moves! The kids did an awesome job and had a positive attitude!

7. Multicultural Day

What an amazing day this was! We started this special day with an assembly in the gym and as I watched all of the students arrive, each one wearing something special from their heritage, it made my heart happy to see so many different cultures coming together in one school. It is so important for us to learn about each other, where we come from, what food we eat, what special traditions we each have, in order for us to better understand each other and this day was a perfect venue to allow us to get to know each other a little better! There was Punjabi dancing, martial arts, Metis tipis, history of hockey, oragami, Ukrainian culture, Romanian culture, a trip to Peru, dancing dolls, calligraphy, artifacts, and food tasting! It was an incredible day for everyone involved. Thank you to all of the parents for donations and their time at school helping. Thank you to all of the staff for making the day flow smoothly and a huge thank you to the committee who planned the day, Mrs. Mui, Mr. Yang, Mrs. Cunningham, Ms. Ernst and Mrs. Driver. A special thank you to our guests who made time in their schedules to be with us, Mr. Morgan, Mr. Hoff, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Reekie, Mrs. Brummitt, and Elder Lekeyten.

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751