Mustang Moments Dec. 13th

December 14, 2013

1. Playground Training

Each year our grade 7 students are trained by Action Schools to be playground leaders. The grade 7’s learn old and new games and then discuss how to engage and teach the younger students on the playground at recess and lunch. It just so happened that this year’s training landed on the first morning we also got snow! The instructor and the students were troopers and braved the elements to continue on with training. Watch for these playground leaders over the year working with our little ones.

2. Gingerbread Man

The Kindergarten students had a very serious issue this week when the gingerbread man they baked escaped from their classroom! They scoured the school looking for the escapee when at last they found him in the gym where Mr. Raphael had to take drastic measures so he wouldn’t run off again….he had to take a bite of the gingerbread mans leg! Oh my!

3. Science Projects

This week Mrs. S-K’s class completed their learning about weather with a presenter and with the students presenting their science discoveries. The students did a fantastic job researching their topic, creating their project and then orally presenting to their classmates. On Friday other classes and the students parents were invited to visit where once again the students had to be prepared to answer questions about their learning. All of the students did an amazing job, it was great to see.

4. Intermurals

This week Mr. Raphael began hosting intermurals in the gym for students at lunch. This week it was grade 4’s and 5’s playing dodgeball. Great fun! Thanks Mr. Raphael.

5. Buddies

Mrs. Gorseth’s class helped their little buddies in Mrs. Roddham’s/Ms. Hartley’s class this week creating plasticine Christmas trees. The kids were all very creative and they made many different looking trees. They decorated their trees with jewels, stars and presents. Once they were complete they shared Christmas stories together. A very special afternoon.

6. LMCA – Langley Meadows Community Association

I am sure you are aware of this great partnership we have we the LMCA. They do so many amazing things for our students and we are so thankful to have them be part of our school. They host many events like the Fall Fair, the clothing swap, Santa’s breakfast, Night’s Alive and after school programs for the students and more! This week they had games club running and they also hosted an after school cooking club. The kids made lots of treats including pizza! Thank you Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Yachuk for creating a place for the kids after school.

7. Let it Snow

Of course the most exciting thing this week was the snow! It didn’t matter that it was only a few centimeters it provided hours of entertainment and joy for the kids!

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751