November 30, 2013
1. iPads
The Kindergarten students practiced letter formation and alphabet recognition a little differently in class over the last few weeks! Students used the iPads to practice making letters and they also had an opportunity to explore some other alphabet programs which allowed them to hear alphabet sounds, match letters with their sounds and more!
2. Gardening Experiments
Division 6 students are doing science experiments in the garden! Each student thought of a variable to test which they believe may effect the growth of their plant. Many interesting hypotheses are being checked out. Some students are trying out different types of soil, others are using those jelly like marbles, and others still painted their whole bulb in latex paint to see if it might still grow. I can’t wait to see what the Spring will bring!
3. Primary Puppet Show
This puppet show focused on the 7 Sacred Teachings which portray how all individuals can live in harmony on earth. The 7 scared teachings are virtues that should be practiced by all people. They include love, respect, courage, honesty, wisdom, humility and truth. Although this is a very complex concept for the primary students to understand, the message was easily shared with the students through story telling using puppets. It was a great event! Thank you to Ms. Ernst our Aboriginal Support Teacher for organizing this for us.
4. Science
Over the last few weeks in Division 13 they have been learning about water, soil and weather. They had a presenter in sharing different types of rocks and then to culminate their learning the students were required to create a project. The students could represent their learning in multiple ways and the projects were great! Projects included, dioramas, oral presentations, games, models and more. It was really neat to see how much each student had learned and of the different ways they shared their knowledge.
5. Volleyball Tournaments
This week was the end of the volleyball season. The students had their final tournaments where they played all of the other schools involved. It was nice to watch them work together as a team and practice all of the skills they have learned over the season. Thank you to all of the students who participated and represented Langley Meadows, thank you to all of the parents who have driven the kids to games and a huge thank you also to their coaches who have held practices and games over the last 6 weeks. Thank you Mr. Raphael, Mrs. Farrer, Ms. Villeneuve and Mrs. Watkins.
6. Waiting patiently
One of the crossing guard rules is that the students cannot go outside until they have an adult staff member. So most days the crossing guard kids wait for us as we run around doing multiple tasks! This week Mrs. Shedden switched things up and was sitting and waiting patiently for the kids to arrive after school and it made me smile!
7. It’s Beginning to Feel A Lot Like Christmas!
This week the primary kids were busy practicing their songs for the Christmas Concert, Mrs. Young was decorating the office and some of the students put up a tree in the foyer. What a lovely time of year to remember how lucky we all are.
We are collecting Coins For Kids. As many of you already know, our school does a coin drive every year just before Christmas called Coins for Kids. In the past, we have raised money to send supplies and gifts to third world countries, including schools and orphanages in Mexico. This year, we have decided to use the monies raised to support children and their families closer to home. All monies raised from Coins for Kids this year will go to making Christmas hampers for local families and providing food, clothing and other necessities for our local community at Christmas and, hopefully, throughout the year.
In addition to supporting Coins for Kids, you are welcome to make donations of food, gift cards or other items for Christmas hampers. Feel free to drop off your donations to the box in the front foyer or drop them off at the office to the attention of Jean Moir.
Thank you so much for helping our students make a difference in the lives of local families.
8. Moustache Day
Yesterday was Spirit Day and the kids just cracked me up! They were all hilarious. Teachers, babies and parents were also in the spirit! Enjoy the photos.