Mustang Moments October 18th

October 19, 2013

1. Kindergarten Buddies

This week Mr. Munnalall/Mrs. Lacroix’s class had a chance to work together with their little buddies in Mrs. McArthur/Mrs. Weltzin’s class to make some plasticine art.

2. Mrs. Wendell’s Grade One class worked with Ms. Ernst our Aboriginal Support Worker to learn about typical attire worn by aboriginal people during special celebrations and dances in their long houses. The kids made dolls wearing a typical button blanket which is what the aboriginal woman generally wore for this celebration.

3. The Egg Drop Challenge

The students from Mrs. Lacroix’s and Mr. Hall’s class were challenged this week to build a structure that would protect their eggs from various challenges. The eggs had to survive:

1. A vertical drop from a ladder
2. A kick from a soccer player
3. A smash from a baseball bat
4. A stomp (hit 5 times on the ground repeatedly with a baseball bat)

It was amazing to see that some of the structures created by the kids managed to stay intact through many of the challenges where as others didn’t fair so well! I am sure the kids had fun building the structures but I think they may have enjoyed testing (destroying) them a little more!

4. Argg Matey!!

Mrs. Gorseth’s class has been learning about mapping skills so to culminate the end of their unit the class dressed as pirates and created pirate maps to find treasure! Fun!

5. The COWS in Action.

Mrs. S-K’s class were using the COWs this week to create a web where they could record ideas about pets. They were using the technology to organize their ideas and to also upload images. A great way to complete a research project and teach tech skills at the same time.

6. Pancake Reward

Mrs. Danford’s class has been working towards a class reward and successfully attained their goal so were celebrating with a pancake breakfast, the reward of their choosing! Yum.


7. Crazy Hat Day

Spirit day was in full swing yesterday with crazy hats everywhere! It was really fun to see how creative and wacky some of the hats were.

8. Me to We

A group of our Grade 7 students along with Mrs. Farrer and Ms. Villeneuve spent the day at the “Me to We” conference downtown yesterday at GM Place along with 20,000 other students!

We Day is the movement of our time, empowering a generation of young global citizens through an inspirational event and a year-long educational initiative. The goal is to inspire a generation to care about social issues and provides the practical tools to turn that inspiration into action. Through We Day young people discover that it’s cool to care. The impact? Millions of dollars raised for local and global causes. Millions of hours volunteered. Lifelong passion for a better world. – See more at:
My favorite quote from reports of the day was from Kofi Annan, the former Secretary-General of the United Nations when he said to the students “My generation is moving on, and you have to have the courage and the strength to take on the issues in your little way.” Mrs. Farrer and Ms. Villeneuve came back reporting that the students are ready and eager to take on that challenge. They were asking on the ride home if  they could meet Monday morning to start planning! Yeah kids I am so proud of you!

Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751