Mustang Moments May 1st

May 5, 2013

1. Outside Learning

Division 1 has been attending Maples Discovery Gardens every second Thursday morning to learn about and participate in gardening. The students have several garden plots which they are responsible for. To begin with they had to weed their plots and have since begun to plant various herbs and vegetables. The students have planted tomatoes, different types of unique herbs and potatoes which will later be given to the food bank. The students also learn important aspects of growing food and gardening when they attend Maples. They learned exactly how much of the planet has land that is sustainable for crops, they discovered the difference between dirt and soil, they learned how to fix root bound plants before replanting them, they learned about plant propagation and more! You are free to visit Maples at anytime with your child and they can share their gardening plot and experience with you. Thank you to Ms. V for organizing this great experience for her students.

The Maples Discovery Gardens Co-op is a non-profit community services cooperative located on six acres of botanical and native gardens with community walking paths, events square, garden plots and greenhouse. It is the first entity of local community development; an important component of the future Jericho Comprehensive Master Planned Community in the Township of Langley. It is situated just south of the Trans Canada Highway No. 1 in the Jericho-Willoughby area right across from the 60 acre Willoughby Community Park and the Langley Events Centre.

The purpose of the Maples Discovery Gardens Co-op, which is a social enterprise, is to encourage community groups and the community at large to participate in programs that advance and sustain health improvement, disease prevention and environmentally friendly activities while striving to create “a healthy community by nature”. It is the intention of the Co-op to ensure every member can actively participate to their full potential. The Maples Discovery Gardens Co-op will support the empowerment of seniors, youth and the community at large with the opportunity to live active healthy lives through gardening in an accessible environment.

2. The Intermediate Spring Concert
This year’s production of “Dig It” was a fantastic success! The students from grade 4-7 were all involved in either the choir, the acting, the props and background or the lighting and sound. They worked as a team and created a delightful show for all of us to enjoy. Thank you to all of the intermediate teachers who helped along the way, to the parents who contributed props and costumes, to Michelle and Jenny for countless hours of organizing and working with the kids and of course all of the efforts of Mr. Yang our music teacher.
The show allowed the audience to travel back in time and join inquisitive archeologists, Taki and Tut, and their fossil friend, Lucy, as they explored the wonders of ancient civilization. From the farm laborers of early Mesopotamia and Egyptian mummies who rapped to a chorus of ancient Greeks and Romulus and Remus who dreamed of building a great city.

3. Community Involvement

5 sweaty Langley Meadows boys after their ball hockey game last week.  Noah, Parker and Daniel on Team No and Riley and Justin on Team Spartans. Sportsmanship and friendship at its best!


Langley Meadows Community School

2244 - Willoughby Way, Langley
BC, V2Y 1C1
Phone: 604-530-4101
Fax: 604-530-3751