April 5, 2013
1. Divisions 16, 15, 14 and 13 went to the Nicomekl Enhancement Society today to release the salmon fry that they have been raising in their classrooms since January. Between the four classes they had 104 Fry to release! The hatchery is run by volunteers and they provided the students with a shuttle from the school and back, a tour of the hatchery and answers to a lot of the kids really good questions!
2. Axis Theatre Performance: Thursday the students enjoyed the show “Raven Meets the Monkey King” which was a tale that took us on a journey ninety years into the past, to the docks of a salmon cannery near a First Nations village on the Pacific Coast. Past and present, history and legend, all joined together in a tale of how our lives are transformed by the people we meet, the choices we make and the stories we tell. It was a great performance and the students were a very respectful audience, which the actors commented on as they were leaving. Thank you to the students for showing the guests in our school such good manners. This makes me so proud!
3. Student versus staff basketball game: This afternoon the staff challenged the students to a basketball game! It was an exciting game with the teachers holding their own against the younger generation! It was super fun with great sportsmanship on both sides! The final score, staff 28, students…24. We may be old but we still got it…we might not be able to move tomorrow…but today we got it!!
4. Solving Problems: Yesterday at the end of the staff meeting three grade 7 teachers were in deep thought trying to solve a riddle! I think there is the beginning of a joke here…”How many grade seven teachers does it take…”
5. This weeks art work from Division 4: