March 15, 2013
1. Jump Rope For Heart
What a great day! The kids were busy all day skipping to raise funds for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. It was great to see them all trying their very best and having a good time. I am proud of their efforts and it means a lot to me as my mom has had a quadruple bypass and the Heart and Stroke Foundation worked closely with us as a family as she recovered. I know all of the funds raised will be put to good use helping many others. Thank you to Mrs. Cunningham and Mr. Raphael. Remember that you have two more weeks to collect pledges and the forms will be returned when the students come back from Spring Break.
2. Parent Teacher Interviews
It was so wonderful to see many family members here on Wednesday and Thursday night so the kids could share all of their learning. I smiled as I saw all of the students expertly discussing their work with their parents explaining what they do each day while they are here! What an important time.
3. Heart Dissections
Students of Division 5 were busy learning about the heart, its functions and how it all works. They participated in a heart dissection with Mrs. Foo where she shared the parts and their purposes. Then the students had a chance to take a look up close and test their knowledge to see if they could identify all of the parts.
4. Leprechaun traps
Students in Division 19 worked very hard this past week building leprechaun traps. They were very creative in their models, devising plans on how to catch a leprechaun.
5. Green Pancakes!
Mrs. Cunningham served up green pancakes this morning with a touch of Irish luck! This breakfast of champions fueled the kids tummies as they skipped in the gym. What a nice treat for the kids.
6. Art work from Division